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I started selling sunglasses in a tiny store at downtown Miami in 2000. The store was as narrow as the front door! 

A few years later, I was manufacturing eyeglasses and sunglasses in Italy! After a while, the Italians started to manufacture sunglasses in China, and so I started to manufacture over there too.

In 2007, I decided to go back to my country with an eyewear distribution. Unfortunately, that was the wrong decision. A bad partnership in the eyewear distribution left me in bad shape, and I lost almost everything.

At that moment, I said to myself: Someday, I will turn this “Bad into a Good”. And that’s what I’ve done after 10 years with this FIX-OO!


In 2017 I suddenly had this great idea and in 2019 it became a patent grant.

But it was 2018 when things really started to happen, the prototyping, the samples moulds, the designing, the engineers and the search for investors.

The product was so promising and with some real prototypes and some customer pre-orders, we were on our way! It took another three years of hard work and resilience to finish and deliver, but nothing could stop it! And now the product is finally ready! It has been designed with both workability and quality in mind.

We believe this is the best glasses accessory on the market and hope you will agree.

Jey Ernica


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